Listen Alaskan,
Play Alaskan

We make great music up north.

So let’s hear it!

The Alaska Playlist Project is here to discover and share artists from the 49th state. All genres, all eras, all sounds, all styles.

We’re collecting Alaskan music, and we want your help.


New songs, artists, and playlists are being added all the time.
Follow and find your favorites!

  • Most of our playlists are designed to keep growing indefinitely, which means there’s room for more artists and new work.

    We also have plans for more playlists, and we’re open to suggestions for themes!

  • Yes, yes, YES! Build your own playlist of your favorite Alaskan songs on any platform, and be sure to use the word “Alaska” — or the city name — in the playlist or description. This is how we all train the algorithm that Alaskan artists belong in the spotlight.

    If you’re proud of your playlist, share it with us ( We follow other Alaskan playlists and sometimes boost them on social media!

  • If you’re a contributor to the Alaska music scene, past or present, we want to hear you. Submit a few of your songs on Spotify to the appropriate playlists, and we’ll add your work! See the FAQ’s for details.

    (The process can take a little time, so give it a minute.)

    If your music’s not on Spotify and you don’t want it to be, that’s fine! Join our newsletter, and we’ll let you know when we’re able to branch out to more platforms.

  • We only have room to playlist each artist a couple times, so submitting dozens of tracks is not helpful. Instead, choose your “lead singles,” two or three representative songs per record, showing off your range. We can spread some of those songs out across different playlists.

  • Spotify makes playlisting and listening easy, so this is the site of our phase one. But we plan to create playlists on other platforms soon, like Youtube. We’re also busy building directories of ALL Alaskan bands and artists, independent of any one platform.

    Community and volunteer energy will get us there sooner, so if you want to see all of that happen, submit some songs and contact us to volunteer!

  • We dream of hearing more Alaskan music everywhere, but especially here at home. Tourists should be listening to it on buses and in hotel lobbies, cafes should be able to turn on the local talent, and DJ’s should have an easy time discovering bands from around the state to play on the radio and podcasts.

    The crew at AKIMI and MusicAlaska has been learning about music advocacy from places like Iceland, Greenland, Canada, and New Zealand, where boosting local bands is a point of public pride. Making it easy for listeners to FIND local artists is step one, so that’s a step we’re taking now.

    And to escape the cliques and geographic silos of the music scene, we’re inviting the public to help us find every Alaskan artist we can. Help us out by submitting a song!

Want to volunteer for the playlist project? We need music lovers!
All our music selections are made by enthusiastic locals who care about our scene.

Email to share Alaskan voices with the world.

Or share your own Alaska music playlist with

Pictured at the top: Abi Sparkman playing with Sundog at the CDBaby DIY Musician Conference in Austin, TX, photographed by Add the Wow.